English/British Dictionaries
Select where to
install the dictionaries:
opening folder (depending on the browser, this may
change slightly):
*If your Firefox
has a default download folder, drag the file from that folder
into the Desktop, after downloading:
To install add-ons, one can simply search for them from inside Firefox/Thunderbird. If you have any other GB speller installed, uninstall it first because it will conflict with mine. To install manually, go to the dictionary page using Firefox and: 1) Downloading the dictionary
2) Installing the dictionary Menus: Tools → Add-ons and Themes → Extensions/Dictionaries → Install Add-on from file. (then select the .xpi file from step 1) You can also drag'n'drop the .xpi file into the add-ons (Extensions/Dictionaries) window.
3) Enabling the dictionary 3.1) Firefox
3.2) Thunderbird
![]() To install the extension manually, go to the dictionaries page and: 1) Downloading the dictionaries
2) Installing the dictionaries In Writer, go to Tools → Extensions. Select “Add”, then the .oxt file, and it will take a moment to install. In operative systems like Windows, you may also double-click on the .oxt file and it will automatically install it.
3) Close Writer and the Quickstarter in the tray icon area
4) Enabling a dictionary Open Writer and choose the language in the bottom with a right-click. You can go to: Tools → Language → For All Text → English (UK)
![]() Last update: 2.Nov.2024 |